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To Inquire information about WLVA, Events, Interviews, Funeral Service request, or other inquiries, please contact:

Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America, Inc.

1430 Second Street North #2

Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494




President Nao Shoua Xiong:



Secretary Hlee Yang


Contact form on left is for website issues only, thank you!

Copyright Notice

© 1991 Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America. All rights reserved.

The name Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America and its associated logo, branding, and materials are the exclusive property of the organization. They may not be used, reproduced, distributed, or affiliated with any other entity or organization without the express written consent of the Board of Directors and the President. Unauthorized use or representation is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.

"Lub npe Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America thiab nws lub logo, branding, thiab cov khoom siv yog WLVA li. Txwv tsis pub siv lossis koom nrog lwm lub koos haum yam tsis tau kev pom zoo los ntawm cov Board thiab tus Coj ntawm WLVA. Kev siv tsis tau tso cai yuav raug teeb meem los ntawm kws lij choj."

© 1991 Wisconsin Lao Veterans of America  I  1430 Second Street North Suite #2, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494  I  715.551.3984

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